Saturday, 16 March 2013

Together Again

After a month of experiencing individual adventures, the crew of Vakasa are happily reunited and enjoying a couple days of R & R in Paradise Village, Nuevo Vallarta, before heading north to Mazatlan and eventually the Sea of Cortez.

What a bizarre experience to suddenly be set down in rainy, grey Victoria after months of sunny Mexico.  Although the weather wasn’t as bad as I know it can be, day by day I just got colder and colder!  I guess I’ve lost my tolerance.  I enjoyed my trip home and catching up with so many friends and family.  Thank you to everyone for dinner invitations, beds, and coffee dates.  My brother, Bob, is well settled into his new digs in Cook Village and it was a real treat to be able to visit with him for so long and see him enjoying his place so much.  I can’t say that his hidda-bed is my best friend, but then what did I expect?????  But……it’s so good to be back with Tony, Rizzo and Vakasa and I’m ready to set sail and see some new places.  Bring on the next adventure!

Well, as Kathy and I made plans for her to return home for 4 weeks and leave me behind, it seemed like an OK idea. Even as I saw her disappear through the customs line at the airport I was saying to myself that this will be OK. Well, now looking back I’m trying to decide why the Gods chose to punish me so. After a couple of days Rizzo stopped looking for Kathy and would not let me out of sight, no way no how.  It was kinda creepy. Then I woke one night with Rizzo not to be found anywhere at 3 am. Oh my God, not only am I alone on a boat, but now the dog is lost at sea and Kathy will never forgive me as Rizzo had gone missing on my watch. But low and behold I found her snuggled in a tiny little space hidden away in the cockpit. Now I knew things were really weird and just not right. But the days went by very slowly as I tried to fill my time with boat projects that were never really supposed to be done, but somehow in my incarceration they were completed, much to the joy of that stranger Kathy. Do I sound like I’m whining…well yes I am. I did return to Canada (Parksville) to visit friends and family for a week myself and had a great time.  But next time I'm gonna refuse to be left behind for so long.  Definitely something not to be repeated!!

It was pretty horrible when Kathy left and I realized that she wasn’t coming back for a whole month.  That’s a really, really long time. I know this cause Tony kept telling me.  Actually, he talked to me all the time…..I wonder if he realizes that I don’t really understand everything I pretend to and that I can’t talk back?  Then it was even worse when Tony left too.  He put me into a car with a nice lady and waved goodbye and even though he told me that it was only going to be for 10 days I just about panicked.   But I’m much too sophisticated to panic, so instead I just made the best of things.  I did get to meet a few new friends at the Beach Dog Boarding Kennel while I waited (and waited, and waited) for things to get back to normal.  And they did!  I’m back on my boat with my people.  I’m pretending to sulk a little cause I know that will get me more treats, hugs and walks.  Works every time!

See....what did I tell you!

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